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Germaine Laboratories - From: 40002 To: 40003 - Doa Control
40002 - 40003

Products Details
40002 - 40003 Germaine Laboratories DOA Control
Customer Reviews
Customer Reviews
TB CMUST HAVE for scoursThis is a must have on hand for scours. Especially parasitic or viral scours (which arent as easily treatable with medications as bacterial calf scours). This electrolytes in combination with a calf bolus will just about get them through anything.
Eric L.Re-Sorb calf electrolyteWe mix this with a gallon of spring water for our puppies as they begin the weaning process. It works great and they love it in their water...we just mix it a bit weaker than you would for a calf.
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Product Information
Manufacturer | Germaine Laboratories |
Code | 40002 - 40003 |
HCPCS | - |
Store | Acculab Supplies|Whole Surgical |
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